, 36
From Bekasi
haii salam kenal...semoga bisa berteman
Interested in: Girl
Age: 35 - 45
Goal: Flirting and dating
  • Islam
  • jalan sore
  • balapan
  • transportasi bermotor
  • olahraga motor
  • mendaki
  • buku petualangan
  • film barat
  • musik metal
  • Menikah
  • Pakaian menggairahkan saya
Stable average income
Separate apartment (rented or own)
I have children, we live together
Vocational secondary education
Languages: English, Bahasa Indonesia
I don't smoke
I don't drink at all
  • Indonesia
Height: 166 cm (5′5″)
Weight: 62 kg (137 lb)
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